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New York, NY 10120
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You can contact us directly via phone, email, or fax or by filling out the forms listed under Request Space Search. There is a short form that will provide us only with a brief statement of purpose and your contact information. Upon form submission, you will be contacted shortly.

In the meantime, please take the time to peruse the information on our site. Market News contains monthly real estate updates and rental rates. Why Us? explains why you should choose Optimal Spaces over other commercial brokerages, and features Client Testimonials. FAQ includes vital information about Manhattan Office Rentals. Finally, Building Profiles gives a sampling of buildings in Manhattan we have rented for clients.


  • Green Acres Is the Place for Macerich; The Deal Sheet
  • Billionaire Shows How Small Buildings in NYC Can Mean Big Money
  • Optimal Spaces in the News - New York's Pix11 / Wpix-Tv
  • Manhattan's Low-Rent Dining in Hiding
  • The NY Fed Is Buying Its Own Building

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