250 Park Avenue South

建筑等级: B + 10003 Buildings Gramercy Park


$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 12,000 Negotiable
$ 50 12,000 $ 49,500
$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租


$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Madison Ave & East 40th Street $ 60 1,500 $ 7,500
Fifth Ave & West 47th Street $ 61 1,300 $ 6,608
E 47th St & Second Avenue $ 46 1,300 $ 4,983
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Park Ave S & East 31st Street $ 44 3,300 $ 12,045
Park Avenue & East 33rd Street $ 36 5,000 $ 14,916
Fifth Ave & West 33rd Street $ 51 7,900 $ 33,443
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Fifth Ave & West 33rd Street $ 47 20,500 $ 79,608
Park Ave & East 40th Street $ 84 11,000 $ 76,816
Manhattan West & Between West 33rd Street $ 116 31,700 $ 305,905
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Broadway & Between East 19th Street $ 65 1,900 $ 10,291
Fifth Ave & West 21st Street $ 50 1,900 $ 7,916
Park Ave S & East 27th Street $ 240 1,600 $ 32,000
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Madison Square W & West 25th Street $ 56 5,700 $ 26,410
Park Ave S & East 26th Street $ 46 3,500 $ 13,358
W 27th St & Between 6th Avenue $ 42 5,000 $ 17,500
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Madison Square W & West 25th Street $ 51 12,500 $ 52,708
Madison Ave & East 32nd Street $ 44 18,400 $ 67,466
Avenue of the Americas & West 39th Street $ 32 12,000 $ 32,400
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
W 27th St & Seventh Avenue $ 38 1,400 $ 4,433
Seventh Ave & West 29th Street $ 40 1,600 $ 5,333
Seventh Ave & West 30th Street $ 45 1,500 $ 5,675
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
W 18th St & Sixth Avenue $ 49 5,600 $ 22,773
W 23rd St & Avenue of America $ 39 5,600 $ 18,200
Fifth Ave & Between West 13th Street $ 45 2,500 $ 9,375
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
W 25th St & Broadway $ 51 16,300 $ 69,003
{{building.primary_delivery_address_address.strip}} nyc
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Innisfree Mergers and Acquisitions Testimonial

Innisfree Mergers and Acquisitions testimonial

250 Park Avenue South

250 Park Avenue South位于曼哈顿格拉默西公园区的著名地段,是一座令人印象深刻的办公楼。这座12层高的建筑于1912年完工,提供了13.4万平方英尺的优质办公空间可供租赁。该建筑被归类为B级物业,提供多种选择以满足您的业务需求,包括小型、中型和大型办公室。

虽然目前在250 Park Avenue South没有共享办公场所,但我们Optimal Spaces的专业团队可以帮助您找到附近的共享办公空间,并且不收取任何额外费用。请联系我们以获取更多信息,我们会为您处理其余事宜。

如果您对此空间感兴趣,值得注意的是,根据2019年的数据,250 Park Avenue South的平均办公室租金为每平方英尺72.0美元,使其成为当今市场上具有竞争力的选择。我们还可以为您提供传统租赁和转租机会的选项。

位于交通便利的位置附近,您的员工将享受到便捷的通勤条件。23街地铁站为4号和6号线服务,距离这座建筑只有4分钟的步行路程。14街联合广场地铁站为4号、5号、6号、L号、N号和Q号线服务,距离建筑物仅有5分钟的步行路程。其他附近的车站还包括23街地铁站(N号和R号线,步行6分钟)、第三大道地铁站(L号线,步行9分钟)和23街地铁站(PATH Transit Stop线,步行10分钟)。

要了解更多关于位于曼哈顿格拉默西公园社区的250 Park Avenue South办公空间租赁的信息,请立即联系我们Optimal Spaces的团队。

250 Park Avenue South 物业概况

大楼地址: 250 Park Avenue South
Bulding Name: Gramercy Park Plaza
Building Alternate address(es): 250 Park Ave South
邻里:Gramercy Park



写字楼平均租金为 250 Park Avenue South

$ / SF
2019 72.0
$ / SF
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