805 Third Avenue

建筑等级: A + 10022 Buildings Plaza District


$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 2,000 Negotiable
$ 64 1,900 $ 10,168
$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 4,500 Negotiable
$ 59 3,200 $ 15,826
$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 24,900 Negotiable
$ 63 5,200 $ 27,375


地址 $ / SF SF 月租
E 49th St & Third Avenue $ 68 1,100 $ 6,256
E 50th St & Between 2nd Avenue $ 48 1,200 $ 4,800
Third Ave & East 50th Street $ 36 1,500 $ 4,500
地址 $ / SF SF 月租
Lexington Ave & East 51st Street $ 82 3,100 $ 21,183
地址 $ / SF SF 月租
Third Ave & East 49th Street $ 49 11,300 $ 46,141
Third Ave & East 50th Street $ 104 5,500 $ 47,529
Third Ave & East 49th Street $ 79 7,300 $ 48,058
E 48th St & Between 3rd Avenue $ 60 5,700 $ 28,500
E 48th St & Between East 48th Streat $ 64 5,000 $ 26,666
Third Ave & East 48th Street $ 84 13,600 $ 95,200
Third Ave & East 52nd Street Street $ 65 10,100 $ 54,708
Third Ave & East 51st Street $ 65 40,000 $ 216,666
Third Ave & East 47th Street $ 43 11,000 $ 38,958
Lexington Ave & East 50th Street $ 70 5,700 $ 33,250
E 52nd St & Lexington Avenue $ 80 15,400 $ 102,666
Third Ave & East 52nd Street $ 128 7,800 $ 83,427
Third Ave & East 46th Street $ 72 18,100 $ 108,600
Dag Hammarskjold Plz & East 47th Street $ 79 16,100 $ 105,991


$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 23,500 Negotiable
$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Third Ave & East 49th Street $ 55 1,000 $ 4,566
E 47th St & Second Avenue $ 46 1,300 $ 4,983
Park Ave & East 54th Street $ 86 2,400 $ 17,160
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Third Ave & East 49th Street $ 60 2,800 $ 14,000
Third Ave & East 50th Street $ 46 9,000 $ 34,350
E 44th St & East 44th Street $ 100 5,200 $ 43,333
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Third Ave & Between East 44th Street $ 57 10,400 $ 49,746
Park Ave & Lexington Avenue $ 65 27,400 $ 149,330
Lexington Ave & East 43rd Street $ 110 10,800 $ 99,000
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 54th St & Between 2nd Avenue $ 33 1,900 $ 5,193
E 46th St & Fifth Avenue $ 52 1,600 $ 6,933
E 41st St & Fifth Avenue $ 49 1,500 $ 6,125
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 42nd St & Park Avenue $ 42 5,100 $ 17,850
W 45th St & Avenue of the Americas $ 45 3,100 $ 11,625
Madison Ave & East 40th Street $ 40 3,100 $ 10,436
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 42nd St & Park Avenue $ 61 14,200 $ 71,946
Bryant Park & 6th Avenue $ 60 14,000 $ 69,766
Avenue of the Americas & West 39th Street $ 32 12,000 $ 32,400
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 36th St & Between 5th Avenue $ 50 1,600 $ 6,666
W 39th St & Eighth Avenue $ 39 1,100 $ 3,575
Seventh Ave & West 30th Street $ 45 1,500 $ 5,675
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Park Ave & Between East 57th Street $ 59 4,400 $ 21,670
W 38th St & 5th Avenue $ 48 6,800 $ 27,160
W 39th St & Fifth Avenue $ 43 6,000 $ 21,399
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
W 25th St & Broadway $ 51 16,300 $ 69,003


$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 2,300 Negotiable
$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 23,500 Negotiable


地址 $ / SF SF 月租
E 49th St & Third Avenue $ 68 1,100 $ 6,256
E 50th St & Between 2nd Avenue $ 48 1,200 $ 4,800
Third Ave & East 50th Street $ 36 1,500 $ 4,500
地址 $ / SF SF 月租
Lexington Ave & East 51st Street $ 82 3,100 $ 21,183
地址 $ / SF SF 月租
Third Ave & East 49th Street $ 49 11,300 $ 46,141
Third Ave & East 50th Street $ 104 5,500 $ 47,529
Third Ave & East 49th Street $ 79 7,300 $ 48,058
E 48th St & Between 3rd Avenue $ 60 5,700 $ 28,500
E 48th St & Between East 48th Streat $ 64 5,000 $ 26,666
Third Ave & East 48th Street $ 84 13,600 $ 95,200
Third Ave & East 52nd Street Street $ 65 10,100 $ 54,708
Third Ave & East 51st Street $ 65 40,000 $ 216,666
Third Ave & East 47th Street $ 43 11,000 $ 38,958
Lexington Ave & East 50th Street $ 70 5,700 $ 33,250
E 52nd St & Lexington Avenue $ 80 15,400 $ 102,666
Third Ave & East 52nd Street $ 128 7,800 $ 83,427
Third Ave & East 46th Street $ 72 18,100 $ 108,600
Dag Hammarskjold Plz & East 47th Street $ 79 16,100 $ 105,991
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805 Third Avenue

位于曼哈顿著名的广场区(Plaza District)的805 Third Avenue是一座令人叹为观止的高层建筑,共有31层。这个卓越的物业提供了惊人的615,000平方英尺的A级写字楼空间,以满足各类企业的不同需求。该建筑最初于1982年建成,如今已成为一个标志性的地标。

无论您寻找租赁、出租、转租还是共享办公选项,805 Third Avenue提供了各种选择,以适应所有规模的企业。这个位置的多功能性确保满足每个组织的特定要求。

选择805 Third Avenue的一个关键优势是可以获得来自著名供应商如Cogent Communications、Level 3 Communications和 Verizon New York的高级光纤服务。出色的连通性得到保证,实现了无缝运营和高效沟通。

这座令人印象深刻的建筑吸引了行业内一些最知名的公司,包括Gen II基金服务公司、Kroll Bond评级机构、Meredith Corporation和丰田津脂美国公司。选择805 Third Avenue作为他们的基地,这些受人尊敬的公司巩固了其作为一个享有盛誉和备受追捧的商业目的地的地位。

便利性是805 Third Avenue的首要问题,附近有各种交通选择。附近有4、6、E、M和7号地铁线以及51街地铁站,距离仅有四分钟的步行路程,保证了租户和访客的便捷通勤。到达和离开这个地点总是无忧无虑、高效快捷的。

希望在805 Third Avenue租赁或转租的企业家可以利用不断上涨的租金,这提供了丰厚的机会。预计租金从2022年每平方英尺14.81美元增长到2023年每平方英尺64.0美元的令人瞩目水平。这种上升趋势为增长和盈利带来了重大潜力。

总之,805 Third Avenue是曼哈顿广场区中一个真正卓越的物业。其卓越的地位、丰富的设施和优越的位置使其成为那些寻找无与伦比办公空间的企业的首选。凭借其丰富的历史、出色的连通性、知名租户和便捷的交通选择,这座标志性建筑是成功和高效生产力的理想环境。不要错过在805 Third Avenue等待的无限可能性。

805 Third Avenue 物业概况

大楼地址: 805 Third Ave
Building Alternate address(es): 805 3rd Ave
邻里:Plaza District


Internet Providers at 805 Third Avenue

Internet Provider Technology Max Download Speed Max Upload Speed
Verizon New York Fiber 1 Gb/s 25 Mb/s
Level 3 Communications Fiber 10 Gb/s 10 Gb/s
Cogent Communications Fiber 10 Gb/s 10 Gb/s

写字楼平均租金为 805 Third Avenue

$ / SF
2018 59.33
2019 90.89
2020 149.66
2023 64.0
$ / SF
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