110 East 60th Street

建筑等级: A + 10022 Buildings Plaza District


$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租
$ / SF SF 月租
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Third Ave & East 56th Street $ 65 1,400 $ 7,583
Park Ave & East 54th Street $ 86 2,400 $ 17,160
Madison Ave & East 55th Street $ 86 2,000 $ 14,383
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Madison Ave & East 60th Street $ 132 8,800 $ 96,506
Fifth Ave & East 58th Street $ 102 5,900 $ 49,953
Fifth Ave & East 57th Street $ 118 4,000 $ 39,266
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Park Ave & East 57th Street $ 88 10,800 $ 79,560
E 55th St & Madison Avenue $ 90 17,500 $ 130,958
Madison Ave & East 57th Street $ 87 12,800 $ 92,373
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 65th St & Between 3rd Avenue $ 93 1,800 $ 14,010
E 54th St & Between 2nd Avenue $ 33 1,900 $ 5,193
W 57th St & Avenue of Americas $ 41 2,400 $ 8,280
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
W 45th St & Avenue of the Americas $ 45 3,100 $ 11,625
E 42nd St & Park Avenue $ 42 5,100 $ 17,850
Broadway & Eighth Avenue $ 61 3,200 $ 16,213
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 42nd St & Park Avenue $ 61 14,200 $ 71,946
Bryant Park & 6th Avenue $ 60 14,000 $ 69,766
W 55th St & Ninth Avenue $ 53 11,400 $ 50,540
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
E 36th St & Between 5th Avenue $ 50 1,600 $ 6,666
W 39th St & Eighth Avenue $ 39 1,100 $ 3,575
Seventh Ave & West 30th Street $ 45 1,500 $ 5,675
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
Park Ave & Between East 57th Street $ 59 4,400 $ 21,670
W 39th St & Fifth Avenue $ 43 6,000 $ 21,399
W 38th St & 5th Avenue $ 48 6,800 $ 27,160
Address $ / SF SF Monthly Rent
W 25th St & Broadway $ 51 16,300 $ 69,003

110 East 60th Street Medical Spaces


$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 2,500 Negotiable
$ 95 2,100 $ 16,625
$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 4,100 Negotiable
$ / SF SF 月租
Negotiable 13,600 Negotiable
$ 90 13,600 $ 102,000
{{building.primary_delivery_address_address.strip}} nyc
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RZO Advisory Group Testimonial

RZO Advisory Group testimonial

110 East 60th Street

110 East 60th Street是位於曼哈頓廣場區的令人印象深刻的商業辦公樓。它提供15層一流的A級辦公空間,可供租賃。該建築擁有總面積為181,917平方英尺,提供適合各種大小企業的租賃選擇。無論您需要小型、中型還是大型空間,我們都可以滿足您的具體需求。


前往110 East 60th Street非常方便,因為步行距離內有幾個交通選項。萊克星頓大道-59街地鐵站就在附近,只需3分鐘即可輕鬆前往N、Q和R線。同樣,59街地鐵站只有3分鐘的路程,可通往4、5和6線。萊克星頓大道-63街地鐵站步行僅需5分鐘,可直達F線。此外,5大道-59街地鐵站距離僅5分鐘,可搭乘N、Q和R線。如果您需要搭乘E和M線,萊克星頓大道-53街地鐵站距離該建築有方便的9分鐘步行路程。

2020年,110 East 60th Street的平均辦公室租金為每平方英尺475.0美元。如需了解有關租金和租賃選項的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站或立即聯繫我們的團隊。

110 East 60th Street 物业概况

大楼地址: 110 E 60th St
Bulding Name: Park Sixty
Building Alternate address(es): 110 E 60th St
邻里:Plaza District


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