As a Tenant Broker we represent you, not the landlord to get you the best deal to rent lease, let or buy an a retail in Bowery.
Boundaries for Bowery
Lease retail Bowery, which is located in Downtown Manhattan and is bound by Allen Street to Bowery Avenue from Hester Street to East 5th Street.
Retail Trends in Bowery
For those looking to rent retail Bowery or lease retail Bowery the market trends for Bowery are as follows.
Bowery finds itself at a location largely dominated by residential real estate, although the odd few commercial buildings may be strung throughout. Due to the residential nature of the neighborhood, most retail is orientated towards residents who live in Bowery. In other words, the majority of foot traffic in Bowery arises from its residents. This typically means that the sales cycle for Bowery retailers is extended more when compared to other New York City neighbourhoods.
Retail Spaces Available
Affordable retail space in Bowery include the following locations and prices. Stanton Street & Bowery with 700 square feet of retail space asks for $11,666 per month. Allen Street & Eldridge Street with 1,200 square feet is asking for $10,500 per month.
Additional Bowery Retail Space for lease includes the following, Delancey Street & Chrystie Street with 2,300 square feet asking for $18,208.
History of Bowery
Bowery would rise to infamy as one of New York City’s red-light districts during the late 19th century and early 20th Century. The neighborhood would eventually rise to its current glory with the rise of Manhattan as the premier city in the nation. High end residential development within Bowery has continued to elevate the neighborhood status. Retailers are attracted to Bowery Retail Space for rent, due, in-part to the development in the neighborhood, as well as the growing population.