As a Tenant Broker we represent you, not the landlord to get you the best deal to rent lease, let or buy an a retail in Murray Hill.
Boundaries for Murray Hill
Lease retail Murray Hill, which is located in Midtown Manhattan and is bound by 1st Avenue to Madison Avenue from 34th Street to 42nd Street.
Retail Trends in Murray Hill
For those looking to rent retail Murray Hill or lease retail Murray Hill the market trends for Murray Hill are as follows. Murray Hill is not so synonymous with its commercial real estate as it is with its residential real estate. In other words, Murray Hill is residential real estate oriented, not so much commercial real estate oriented. Due to the nature of the area, most retail is mixed, with some catering to the office buildings within the area, whilst others cater to the residential traffic present. Residential foot traffic has the benefit of increasing the sales cycle retailers can operate on. Murray Hill displays a wide variety of retail.
Retail Spaces Available
Affordable retail space in Murray Hill includes the following locations and prices. Third Avenue & East 31st Street, offering 1,400 square feet of retail space for $16,566 per month. Park Avenue South & East 31st Street, offering 2,500 square feet of retail space for $41,666 per month.
Additional Murray Hill Retail Space for lease includes the following, Fifth Avenue & East 36th Street offering 2,500 square feet of retail space, with an asking for $41,666 per month.
History of Murray Hill
With the construction of the U.N. headquarters in New York City’s Murray Hill neighborhood, the ambiance of the district was altered into a more commercial vibe. Although Murray Hill used to host the City’s wealthy and distinguished, with the Morgan Museum and Library, J.P. Morgan’s former residence, standing as a testament to an earlier era, the neighborhood today continues to shift towards an equal residential and commercial atmosphere.